It would appear that in all three cases, there's a degree of emulation going on, rather than a complete port to the Switch's architecture. Now, though, people are seemingly starting to get hold of the game ahead of its release on Friday, and there's a bit of investigation going on surrounding just how Nintendo has got these games from three older consoles running on its new hardware. Top Nintendo Switch games: Best Switch games every gamer must ownīetween the Nintendo 64's Super Mario 64, the GameCube's Super Mario Sunshine and the Wii's Super Mario Galaxy, three of the company mascot's most celebrated games will arrive on the Switch, and that's caused celebration enough on its own.(Pocket-lint) - Nintendo made a lot of dreams come through when it announced Super Mario 3D All Stars a couple weeks back, confirming that three absolutely beloved classic 3D Mario games were coming to the Switch in crisp HD.